Today I want to talk about if you can put knitting needles in your carry-on bags and knit on a plane. With tight security checks and body scanners all over the airport, this seems to be a problem, right ? I mean, these days you can’t even bring a harmless bottle of water. So can you bring Knitting Needles on a plane ?
So are knitting needles forbidden ? Actually, they aren’t ! But it’s sadly a little bit more complicated. So let’s talk about everything you need to know about bringing knitting needles on a plane.
The TSA and Knitting Needles

The answer to whether or not you can bring knitting needles on a plane lies with the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA. The TSA is responsible for security at all airports in the United States, and they have strict guidelines about what you can and cannot bring on a plane. So what do their guidelines say about knitting needles?
According to the TSA website, “Knitting needles are allowed in carry-on bags. However, we recommend that you place them in your checked bag.” So there you have it ! You are allowed to bring knitting needles on a plane…but the TSA doesn’t recommend it.
Why the TSA Doesn’t Recommend It
So why doesn’t the TSA recommend that you bring knitting needles in your carry-on bag ? Well, it all has to do with those pesky body scanners that are now ubiquitous at airports. See, when you go through the body scanner, the machine uses X-rays to take a picture of your body. Any metal objects that you have on your person will show up on that X-ray image.
Now, most people don’t think of knitting needles as being made of metal. After all, they’re usually made out of plastic, bamboo, or wood. But many types of knitting needles do have metal tips—and those metal tips will show up on the X-ray image.
When airport security sees those metal tips on the X-ray image, they may pull you aside for further screening. And who wants to be pulled aside for extra screening at the airport? Not me!
Can You Bring Knitting Needles on a Plane ?
Knitting needles are a commonly-approved item for travel, but it is important to check before bringing them on a plane. Knitting needles are typically not allowed in carry-on baggage, but may be permitted in checked baggage. It is always best to check with the airline before packing, as policies may vary. In addition, some airports may have specific restrictions on knitting needles.
If traveling internationally, it is also important to research any potential restrictions in the destination country. Knitting can help pass the time during long flights and layovers, but it’s crucial to make sure needles are properly packed and within guidelines to avoid delays or difficulties at security checkpoints. Planning ahead can ensure a smooth and enjoyable flight while also obeying all necessary regulations.
So What’s a Knitter to Do ?
If you really want to knit on your flight but don’t want to deal with the hassle of having your knitting needles confiscated by security, there is one solution: invest in a pair of bamboo or plastic knitting needles.
These types of needles don’t have any metal parts, so they won’t show up on the X-ray image—and that means you won’t have to deal with any extra screening from security. Of course, these types of needles can be more expensive than traditional metal ones—but they’re worth it if it means being able to knit in peace on your flight!
So there you have it! You can indeed bring knitting needles on a plane…but the TSA doesn’t recommend it. If you really want to knit on your flight but don’t want to deal with the hassle of having your knitting needles confiscated by security, invest in a pair of bamboo or plastic knitting needles. They may be more expensive than traditional metal ones—but they’re worth it if it means being able to knit in peace during your travels!
Can You Bring Needles on a Plane ?
It’s no secret that flying can be stressful. With all of the security checks and restrictions, it’s hard to know what you can and cannot bring on a plane. So, what about needles ? Can you bring them on a plane ? The answer is yes… but there’s a catch. Read on to learn everything you need to know about bringing knitting needles on a plane.
The TSA’s Rule on Needles
According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), you are allowed to bring knitting needles in your checked bags. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, all knives and sharp objects must be placed in your checked bag. Second, any knitting needles that are longer than 6 inches must also be placed in your checked bag.
So, if your needles are shorter than 6 inches, you can pack them in either your carry-on or checked bag. If you’re not sure whether or not your knitting needles will pass the TSA’s inspection, pack them in your checked bag.
Other Things to Consider
Even though the TSA says you can bring needles on a plane, that doesn’t mean every airline agrees. Before packing your needles in either your carry-on or checked bag, check with your airline to see if they have any restrictions on sharp objects. Additionally, some airlines may require that all sharp objects be placed in your checked bag, regardless of length.