Can you sew with a Fishing line ?

Can you sew with fishing line ? Yes you can ! You may be surprised to learn that you can in fact sew with fishing line! There is a type of fishing line called monofilament that is frequently used in the clothing industry Monofilament thread is a type of fishing line that is often used … Read more

Is Sewing Machine oil Toxic ? The Truth

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about sewing machine oil . Some people say that it’s toxic, while others claim that it’s perfectly safe. So, what’s the truth? Is sewing machine oil toxic ? Read on to find out. The first thing to understand is that there are different types of sewing machine oils. … Read more

Are Sewing Machine Needles Magnetic or Not ? Learn More

If you’re a sewing enthusiast, then you’ve probably heard conflicting information about whether or not sewing machine needles are magnetic. We’ll set the record straight once and for all. The answer to this question may surprise you, but sewing machine needles are not actually magnetic. While it’s true that some sewing machines have a magnet … Read more

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