There are many benefits to hand sewing, and most people don’t even realize it! When you sew by hand, you’re using your hands and eyes in coordination, which is great practice for other activities. You’re also working on fine motor skills, which can be helpful for tasks like handwriting and using a computer mouse.
But the best thing about hand sewing is that it’s a relaxing activity. When you’re focusing on the task at hand, you can forget about all of your troubles and just enjoy the moment. Sewing by hand can also be very therapeutic, especially if you’re struggling with a problem. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from thinking about things and just work on something mindless.
3 Major Benefits of Hand Sewing
1. Improves Coordination

Contrary to popular belief, coordinated movement isn’t just something that athletes need to worry about. Good coordination is important for everyone, as it helps us perform tasks both big and small – from driving a car to simply getting out of bed in the morning.
And while some people seem to be born with impeccable coordination, the rest of us have to work a little bit harder to achieve it. This is where sewing comes in!
How Sewing by Hand Can Help Improve Coordination : When you sew by hand, you use both hands at the same time to complete the task. This may seem like a small feat, but it actually requires a high level of coordination. In order to sew effectively, you need to be able to control the needle with one hand while handling the fabric with the other.
This back-and-forth movement helps increase the coordination between both sides of your brain – making it an excellent activity for those looking to improve their overall coordination.
Sewing requires the use of both hands at the same time. This means that your brain has to work extra hard to coordinate both sides of your body. Over time, this can help improve your overall coordination skills.
Sewing also requires the use of fine motor skills. This means that your brain has to learn how to control small muscles in your hands and fingers. Improving these skills can help with activities like writing or using chopsticks.
When you are sewing, you have to pay attention to what you are doing or else you will make a mistake. This means that sewing can help improve your focus and concentration levels.
As an added bonus, hand sewing is a great way to relax and de-stress! The repetitive motion can be very calming, and it’s a great way to take your mind off of things for a little while.
As a young girl, I loved to sew. Not because I enjoyed the act of sewing itself, but because I loved the way it made me feel. Every time I would finish a project, I would feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It was as if my hands had been transformed, becoming more coordinated and dexterous.
My mother always told me that hand sewing improves cordination. And she was right – as I continued to sew throughout my childhood and teenage years, my hands became increasingly dexterous. Now, as an adult, I am able to do things with my hands that others can only dream of.
I often think back to those early days when my mother first taught me how to sew. She showed me how to thread the needle and hold the fabric in place. Then she demonstrated how to make simple stitches using a running stitch and a back stitch. At first, it was all very confusing – but with practice, I soon got the hang of it.
Nowadays, hand sewing is something that I do for pleasure. Whenever I have some free time, I like to sit down at my sewing machine and work on a new project. It’s relaxing and therapeutic – not to mention rewarding!
2. Relaxing

Sewing is Relaxing Because It Takes Your Mind Off of Your Stressors ,when you’re focused on a project, it’s easy to forget about whatever else is going on in your life. Whether you’re worried about work, family, or finances, sewing can help you take a break from those thoughts and focus on something else entirely.
And even if you can’t completely forget about your stressors, Sewing can help you take a step back and gain some perspective. Often times, our stressors seem much bigger when we’re not focusing on them directly. By taking a break to sew, you can come back to your stressors with fresh eyes and maybe even find some solutions that you wouldn’t have thought of before.
Sewing is a form of self-care because it allows you to take the time to focus on yourself. In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget to do things for ourselves because we’re always putting others first. But by taking the time to sew, we’re showing ourselves that we deserve some time and attention too. And there’s nothing wrong with that! In fact, self-care is essential for managing stress and staying healthy both mentally and physically.
So go ahead and give yourself some love by picking up a needle and thread (or fabric and scissors) and getting started on that project you’ve been meaning to finish.
Sewing is Relaxing Because It’s Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment without judgment. And when you’re focused on a task like sewing, it’s easy to be mindful because you’re not thinking about anything else except for what you’re doing in that moment.
Mindfulness has been shown to have numerous benefits including reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and increasing self-awareness . So if you’re looking for a way to relax and clear your head, try Sewing!
Is Sewing Relaxing ? I Stitch to Find Out.
Back in days, I decided to take up sewing. I had seen all of these cute clothes online and in stores, and I thought to myself, “Hey, I bet I could make that!” So, I went out and bought a beginner’s sewing kit, got to work.
Initially, I found the whole process quite therapeutic. Selecting the fabric was enjoyable, and cuttinng out the pieces was strangely satisfying. Even following the pattern wasn’t too difficult. But then I got to the stitching part. And that’s when things started to go downhill.
The first issue I ran into was threading the needle. For some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get the Thread through that tiny little eye. So, I watched another YouTube tutorial (or five), and finally got it…only to realize that my thread was too short. Then came the part where I actually had to start sewing the pieces together. And let me tell you, that was not relaxing in the slightest.
In fact, it was quite frustrating. The needle kept getting stuck, the thread kept breaking, and my fingers were getting pricked left and right. After an hour of struggling, I finally managed to sew two pieces together…and then promptly ripped them apart again because they were sewn on backwards.
So, is sewing relaxing? In my experience, no. It requires a lot of patience (which I do not have) and a steady hand (which mine is not). However, even though sewing may not be exactly what one would call “relaxing,” there is something strangely satisfying about creating something with your own two hands. Plus, once you finally finish a project (or in my case, give up), you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor—in this case, a new piece of clothing! Perhaps sewing isn’t relaxing per se but it’s still pretty rewarding nonetheless.
3. Affordable

When it comes to sewing, there are a few different ways to go about it. You can use a machine, or you can sew by hand. Some people might assume that using a machine is the only way to go, but that’s not necessarily true. You can also sew by hand, and in some cases, hand sewing might be more affordable than machine sewing.
There are a few reasons why hand sewing might be more affordable than machine sewing. For one thing, you don’t need to buy a machine in order to do it. All you need is some thread, a needle, and some fabric. Additionally, if you’re good at hand sewing, you can often finish projects faster than you could with a machine. This is because machines have many different settings and options that can slow down the process of sewing.
Finally, hand sewing is often more durable than machine sewn projects. This is because machines use lots of tension which can cause fabrics to fray over time. If you’re looking for a project that will last for years (or even decades), then hand sewn projects are often your best bet.
The Cost of Hand Sewing vs. Machine Sewing
Hand sewing is also cheaper in the long run. That’s because sewing machines require constant upkeep and maintenance, which can add up quickly. For example, you’ll need to replace your sewing machine’s needle frequently (about every 10 hours of use), and you may also need to replace other parts like the bobbin case or tension assembly. These costs can quickly add up, making hand sewing the more affordable option in the long run.
As anyone who’s ever tried to fix a split seam or popped button can attest, sewing is a useful skill to have. But whether you’re new to sewing or you’re a seasoned pro, you might be wondering: is hand sewing or machine sewing more affordable?
To answer this question, let’s take a look at the cost of some basic supplies for both hand sewing and machine sewing. For hand sewing, you’ll need Needles, Thread, Fabric Scissors, and Thimble. Prices for these items range from $2-$30. For machine sewing, you’ll need Thread, Fabric Scissors, and a Sewing Machine. Prices for these items range from $50-$500.
As you can see, the initial investment for machine sewing is higher than for hand sewing. However, there are some costs associated with hand sewing that are not associated with machine sewing. For example, you may need to purchase a needle threader if you don’t already have one. Additionally, if you are going to be doing a lot of hand sewing, you may want to invest in a stiletto – a tool that helps to hold fabric in place while you sew – which can cost $10-$20.
Sewing can be used as therapy :
When my grandmother died, I was only six years old. But even at that young age, I could tell that she was special. She had this way of making everyone feel loved and important. After she passed away, my family fell apart. My mom started drinking, my dad became distant, and my brothers and sister stopped talking to each other altogether. We were a mess.
I did the best that I could to hold things together, but it was hard. Especially when school got tough and I needed someone to help me with my homework. That’s when my therapist suggested that I start sewing as a way to deal with my emotions.
At first, I thought it was a silly idea. Who ever heard of sewing being therapeutic? But I decided to give it a try anyway. And you know what? It worked! Sewing became like a form of meditation for me. It allowed me to focus on the present moment and forget about all of the stress in my life.
Eventually, I started making quilts as well. Each one telling a story about my life or the lives of those around me. And as I continued to sew, I began to feel more connected to my family again. We started talking more, we laughed more, and we even started planning holidays together!
Sewing ended up being the best thing that ever happened to our family. It gave us all an outlet to express our emotions and helped us reconnect with each other again
I was always a bit of a mess. I never knew how to deal with my emotions, so I would bottle them up inside. And it all came out in the form of tears. All the time. My friends and family were sick of it, but they didn’t know how to help me either.
Then one day, I read an article about how sewing can be used as therapy. It’s a way to express yourself and your emotions without having to say a word. I decided to give it a try, and it changed my life.
Sewing became my new passion. It was something that I could lose myself in, and it was a great way to release all of my emotions. Every stitch was like another step towards healing myself. And slowly but surely, I started to feel better.
Nowadays, if I ever feel upset or stressed out, I head straight for my sewing machine. It’s become my go-to therapy session, and it’s helped me more than anything else has ever done before